Input Form for Updated Wagner Management Plan

Help Wagner Natural Area Society update our management plan for the future protection of Wagner Fen. All ideas welcome! Refer to article “Updating Wagner Natural Area Conservation Planning” in the June/July 2023 Friends of the Fen newsletter for further background.

Essentially, we are looking for your perspective on what has changed under each issue topic over the past 20+ years at Wagner Natural Area, i.e., the opportunities associated with these changes as well as the challenges, and your ideas about how to solve any.

Please submit your completed form for as many issues as you wish.

Your contact name and email are optional (not needed for submission of the form), but if included would make it easier for us to get back to you if we have any questions for clarification.

If you have any questions, please forward them to Dave Ealey, President, Wagner Natural Area Society, 

Thanks for your input!