Wagner Natural Area Society is recruiting for new Board members – please click on our “Membership“ page for more information
WAGNER NATURAL AREA SOCIETY is looking to fill these new positions:
** Executive Director of WNAS **
The WNAS is soliciting applications for a new Executive Director position, who will undertake strategic coordination and day-to-day management of WNAS business, etc. This is a part-time paid position.
For more details please click “here”
WNAS is soliciting applications for a summer student position that will function as a Natural Area Specialist to learn practical conservation management skills. For more details please click “here”
The Secrets of Wagner
Announcing results from the Wagner Natural Area Society’s Wildlife Camera Project! Take a look at videos developed from our wildlife documentation project, thanks to funding from Parkland County and Canadian Parks and Recreation Association. New one added August 18/2024

Winter is here. The trail is in great shape. Wagner is a beautiful oasis. Come for a visit!
Our Mission is To Ensure the Preservation and the Biological Diversity of Wagner Natural Area for Educational, Scientific and Research Purposes

We work to preserve Alberta’s wetlands through education and citizen science

Walk the trails or join a group tour to view and learn about our wetlands

Become a member of Wagner Natural Area Society and receive our newsletter
Our Appeal to You:Our financial year has drawn to a close. Your support as a member, donor or volunteer is vital to the continued protection and maintenance of the Wagner Natural Area. We encourage you to join or renew your WNAS membership for 2024. Fees are $10 for Supporting Members and $15 for Voting Members. Memberships and donations can be made by cheque or Interac bank transfer. Further details can be found here.
Getting the Wagner Story Out – thanks to CBC!!
This teaser video of a story about Wagner Natural Area is now posted to the CBC website. Click this link:
Wagner Tour
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